Soufra follows the unlikely and wildly inspirational story of intrepid social entrepreneur, Mariam Shaar – a generational refugee who has spent her entire life in the Burj El Barajneh refugee camp just south of Beirut, Lebanon. The film follows Mariam as she sets out against all odds to change her fate by launching a successful catering company, “Soufra,” and then expand it into a food truck business with a diverse team of fellow refugee woman who now share this camp as their home.
Soufra premiered on December 15th, 2017. It has played at various film festivals including Cannes, Cinetopia, Florida Film Festival, Galway Film Fleadh, Portland International Film Festival, and The Berlin International Film Festival.
Craig Piligian… Producer
Kathleen Glynn… Producer
Trevor Hall… Producer
Susan Sarandon… Executive Producer
Thomas A. Morgan… Executive Producer / Producer
Barrie Landry… Executive Producer
Anderson M. Hinsch… Executive Producer
Marc Nicholson… Executive Producer
Jessie Creel… Executive Producer
Luke Jones… Executive Producer
Nicholas Caprio… Co-Producer
Sarba Das… Co-Producer
Jenelle Lindsay… Co-Producer
Ibrahim Nada… Co-Producer
Gretchen Stockdale… Co-Producer
Peggy Cafferty… Associate Producer
Cara Casey… Associate Producer
Teresa Chahine… Associate Producer
Patrick Johnson… Associate Producer
Victoria Kennedy… Associate Producer
Quinn Konarska… Associate producer
Lisa Madison… Associate Producer
Natalie Rose… Associate Producer
Gretchen Thomas… Associate Producer
Ginger Tolman… Associate Producer
Raffi Vartanian… Associate Producer
Daisy Mohr… Line Producer