
The eight-part documentary series Lindsay, directed by Emmy-nominated filmmaker Amy Rice (By the People: The Election of Barack Obama), follows movie star and media sensation Lindsay Lohan on her journey through recovery following a very public period of crisis.

Lohan is one of the most talented young actresses of her generation, boasting an impressive list of credits (The Parent Trap, Mean Girls, A Prairie Home Companion). Having had her career and personal life sidelined by her public struggles, Lohan is strikingly candid about her situation and is more determined than ever to get back on her feet.

This honest, no-holds-barred series took an intimate look into the life of one of the world’s most sought-after celebrities. Camera follow Lohan as she returns to New York, reunites with friends and family, and attempts to build a new life. As she works to stay on track amid the demands (and pitfalls) of fame, she opens up as never before, discussing everything from her emotional recovery process to her exhausting run-ins with the paparazzi.

Lindsay premiered March 9th, 2014 on the Oprah Winfrey Network.



Amy Rice



Craig Piligian… Executive Producer

Lindsay Lohan… Executive Producer

Nicholas Caprio… Executive Producer

Johnny Gould… Executive Producer

Erik Logan… Executive Producer

Sheri Salata… Executive Producer

Erica Forstadt… Vice President of Programming

Amy Rice… Co-Executive Producer

Mitch Rosa… Co-Executive Producer

Ralph Wikke… Co-Executive Producer

Gretchen Stockdale… Producer

Renee Riemke… Associate Producer

Tracy Brimner… Post Producer

Gretchen D. Kinder… Line Producer

Anne Paas… Field Producer
