This week, Pilgrim Studios premieres two new shows, the first is Down East Dickering on History and the second, Amazing America with Sarah Palin on The Sportsman Channel.
Wednesday, April 2, at 10/9c – Down East Dickering – History
“Dickering 101”
Welcome to Maine and the world of dickering, where everything comes with a price tag. Using a weekly publication, Uncle Henry’s, as a guide, our expert dickerers make a good enough living in swapping, buying, and selling, to enjoy life on their own terms. Tony Bennett and his partner, Codfish, turn a hefty profit on vintage auto parts and soda signs. Roland “Yummy” Raubeson and his son, Mitchell, tackle a bridge-building project. And Clint Rohdin and his future son-in-law, Nate, trade mechanical skills and hard labor for the perfect demolition derby junker. Just a normal week in Down East Maine!
Thursday, April 3, at 8/7c – Amazing America with Sarah Palin – Sportsman Channel
Special 1-Hour Premiere
“Cowboy James Storm/Julie Golob” and “Palin w/ DeeDee Jonrowe in Alaska”
Amazing America with Sarah Palin is an anthology of stories exploring people, places, and pastimes connected to outdoor lifestyle.