Happy September! This week we’re featuring a new Pilgrim feature who helps us make it all happen behind the scenes. Meet our Chief Creative Officer, Johnny Gould. Johnny does it all, but simply put, Johnny sells television. Learn more about Johnny, the best project he’s worked on and his favorite show on Pilgrim:
What do you do at Pilgrim?
Sell television.
What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on?
Temperaturally speaking, “Out of the Wild: Alaska.”
Describe yourself in 3 emojis.
What’s the best thing that happened to you this week, either at work or outside of it?
The week isn’t over yet. Check back shortly.
Fill in the blank: If you really knew me, you’d know_____.
…why is a mouse when it spins?
What’s your favorite Pilgrim show?
The ones that Piligian, Korkis, Nichols, Calvert, Estrada, Rosa, Wikke, and Rohwedder produce.
Who do you nominate for Pilgrim feature and why?
Gretchen Stockdale: It’s her birthday!
Have a Pilgrim you’d like to nominate? Share your recommendation and why you think he or she is Pilgrim of the Week at social@www.pilgrimmediagroup.com!