In our weekly Pilgrim of the Week features, we highlight awesome Pilgrims behind the scenes. As the world’s most diverse production company, we make sure that we have a great team behind us. This week, meet OC Newby, Assistant Editor of Rockhouse Images, Pilgrim’s division dedicated to providing quality stock footage and exclusive viral videos. Learn more about OC, what she does at Pilgrim and the coolest project she’s worked on:
What do you do at Pilgrim?
I’m an Assistant Editor for RockHouse Images.
What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on?
The Illtop Journal, the first satirical magazine founded at my alma mater, Howard University, even though it no longer exists it’s still the coolest project I ever worked on.
What’s the best thing that happened to you this week, either at work or outside of it?
Nothing, but the week isn’t over yet so I still have time for the best thing to happen.
If you could describe yourself in 3 emojis what would it be?
What’s your favorite Pilgrim show?
The Ultimate Fighter.
Fill in the blank: If you really knew me, you’d know_____.
You’d know that I’m from Washington, DC not the surrounding area MD or VA but the nation’s capital.
Who do you nominate for Pilgrim feature and why?
Shawnee Gibbs. We started working at Pilgrim around the same time. I think this would be a great time for others to get to know her.
Have a Pilgrim you’d like to nominate? Share your recommendation and why you think he or she is Pilgrim of the Week at!