Happy Monday! To celebrate the new week, meet our Pilgrim of the Week, Sarba Das. As the VP of Documentaries, Sarba develops documentary ideas for film and television. Most recently, she secured Pilgrim Media Group’s latest documentary film: Soufra. The doc chronicles the story of Mariam Shaar who, with a group of women, launched a successful catering company in the midst of a refugee camp. Learn more about Sarba’s role at Pilgrim, the coolest project she’s worked on, and the best thing that’s happened to her this week:
What do you do at Pilgrim?
As VP of Documentaries, I develop documentary ideas for film and television, hunt for badass directors and projects, and in general, seek to put a movie out there that will get us a golden statue with the same name as the Sesame Street character who lives in a garbage can.
Describe yourself in 3 emojis.
🇮🇳 🇺🇸 🙆🏽
What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on?
I am currently working on a documentary about the sordid story behind Chippendales—the all-male dance revue, not the furniture. It’s the American dream gone nightmare filled with arson, sex and murder.
What’s the best thing that happened to you this week, either at work or outside of it?
I got hugged by a saint from India.
Fill in the blank: If you really knew me, you’d know_____.
I organize my clothes in rainbow order.
What’s your favorite Pilgrim show?
Dirty Jobs…I wish it would come back. Watching Mike Rowe makes me want to run out and buy a Ford. I know he’s a production nightmare as I tried to make a show at ABC with him once, but on camera…he’s…so…dreamy.
Who do you nominate for Pilgrim feature and why?
Jennifer Soria. It’s easy to verbally “make a deal.” Getting the deal done, especially on paper, is a whole different story. Jennifer is a super sharp legal eagle and I have tremendous respect for her brilliant mind and tireless effort.
Have a Pilgrim you’d like to nominate? Share your recommendation and why you think he or she is Pilgrim of the Week at social@www.pilgrimmediagroup.com!