New week, new Pilgrim of the Week! Meet Shaun Hoff, Direct of Talent Development at Pilgrim Studios. Shaun works in casting to bring shows including Wicked Tuna, The Ultimate Fighter and one of his favorite projects, The Runner, to your screen. Learn more about Shaun’s role at Pilgrim, the coolest thing that’s happened to him this week, and who he considers the real MVP of Pilgrim:
What do you do at Pilgrim?
I am Director of Talent Development which means I work in casting.
What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on?
I would say ‘The Runner’due to the size of the casting. By far the biggest show I have worked on numbers wise.
What’s the best thing that happened to you this week, either at work or outside of it?
Marilyn Manson followed me on Instagram.
Fill in the blank: If you really knew me, you’d know_____.
I have a slight obsession with collection art, I’m becoming a hoarder of sorts.
Who do you nominate for Pilgrim feature and why?
Jamie Fleischman because she is the real MVP of Pilgrim.
Have a Pilgrim you’d like to nominate? Share your recommendation and why you think he or she is Pilgrim of the Week at!